This posting is a bit late. I will spare you the details why.
Judah and Eden have both recalled their time in China, and now, it is Zion's turn. She, more than any other of our kids, is our China Child. Outside of a few months, her whole life has been in China, and in many ways, she has fit right in.
What was your first memory?
"I pooped my pants on the roof because I wasn't wanting to stop playing.
Along with the swing, trampoline, and dirty toys, these girls loved the flowers and garden Josey planted. This was their "backyard" and our small haven.
The early days at our ZZY apartment.
What are some of your favorite memories?
Waterpark, camping and sleeping at the hostel by the river, recess and playing tag with Quinn, riding the bus with Quinn.
Mother's Day Camping, 2016
Whether school or public bus, these two always enjoyed the company.
What are you really excited for when you get to America?
"To get a new camera. For new beds and a bike, Adah and Selah, Papi and Mimi and Kade and his parents and Aunt Heather with Anna and maybe we will camp a lot and your brother Uncle Jesse but he is funny and picks me up a lot and holds my hand and sometimes throws me on the ceiling but he is pretty tall you know? To see horses and other animals and I like lakes but they are so cold.
Do they have quesadillas there?"
On one of our camping trips.
Mom, heading out on her Tibetan trip. I wonder where Zion gets her heart for adventure and the outdoors?
What will you miss the most about living here?
Quinn, my teacher, the table you sold today, Miss Day and Jacie, Auntie Bekah, baozi and rice, art class, Mr. Xiao, the fun room.
Not pants, no shirt, no shoes, yet a whole lot of fun.
Auntie B doing what she does best.
Do you think yo will come back someday to visit China?
No. Well, I mean yes. When I'm a mommy with five kids. So I will tell you their names. Judah, Elias is my baby, Sydney, Eden, and Abbey.
Our first set of wheels, in Zhonghai.
Afternoon rides with Mom.
Zion was blessed with so many people who loved her while living in China. Some, we may never see again, like her beloved PE teacher, Mr. Xiao, and her sweet ayi . . . Ayi.
She was also blessed with friends who she will know forever. The two years Uncle Jesse and Aunt Sarah and sweet little Emma lived in China were a blessing we could never have expected.
If I looked ticked, walking off in the distance, its because I am . . . I just recently stepped in a MASSIVE pile of dog poop. Wearing sandals.
Up until this last winter, Zion always had a pair of leggings with a bear on her butt. She liked to wave it around and show people. Mom and Dad liked to pinch it.
: Adventures with Mom :
There were many, but these two encompass them all because whether it was adventures in mountainous lands or just outside the front door, Mom sought it, and she always brought her kids along.
"Sometimes, when life is rainy, the best thing to do is put on rain boots and jump in puddles."
Tea picking.