Day 85 : Make this place . . .

Thursday night means Mom has the night off and Dad and the kids . . . do whatever dads and kids to when Mom isn't around. 

I can say say the stash of mini chocolate chips that is stashed in the freezer might need a refill, but other than that, YOU AIN'T GETTIN NOTHING OUTTA ME!!!

Okay, we watched old American Idol videos.

We watched Lee DeWyze sing "Hallelujah," Jessica Sanchez absolutely KILL "I Will Always Love You" and Clark's rendition of "When a Man Loves a Woman." Haley was always one of Judah's favorites, and this duet with Kasey is really and truly a joy to watch. 

But our family favorite is and forever will be Phillip Phillip's Home

So after reading and before bed, I asked the kids a few questions about home. Zion made me promise not to take too long because she was tired.

"What is the first thing that comes to mind when I say, 'home'."

Judah: "Warm and bright."

Eden: "Mommy makes the house really beautiful and really good food."

Zion: "I like mom makes all the nice pretty stuff."

"What room is your favorite, and why?"

Judah: "Living room, because it's warm and where everybody is."

Eden: "My room, because my bed is comfy and looks good."

Zion: "Living room because we get to sleep there sometimes when we watch movies."

"What music do you think of when you think of home?

Judah: "On top of the World" by Imagine Dragons 

Eden: "Fix You" by Coldplay

Zion: "Uptown Funk" by Mark Ronson Ft. Bruno Mars

"What is your favorite memory of this home?"

Judah: "My birthday sleepover with Reister, Solomon, and Ari."

Eden: "The first time we moved here because it was an adventure and I just liked this house . . . I'm gonna miss it."

Zion: "Playing with friends and cousins and brothers and sisters and moms and dads."


Our home.