This quote has been in my head the past week or so.
I haven't had time to take pictures or work diligently on our last hundred days, so it comes in waves or clumps and sometimes with a "that's good enough" mentality, and I hate it.
But putting on the Ring and walking off into the mountains isn't an option.
So, instead of nothing or another, "I'm just tired" sort of post, here are some old pics, from years ago when I didn't know the ending was so near.
: Thoughts and Style :
: Watch your Toes :
: Flying Kites :
: Gotcha :
: Heading Somewhere :
: The Light :
:Mah jiang :
: Together :
Some of these mean a lot to me, either because of the memory surrounding it or because they, for me, capture China.
"Flying Kites" is one of those "China" moments for me. "Together" was on a Sunday afternoon family walk, about two years ago.
"Ma jiang" was when we visited Sarah Cole during her first year in Xipu, "The Light" was on one of my 50 Days : 50 Faces walks. It was a beautiful night for a walk, after being treated to a beer and some pizza by some strangers.
The other three were just stumbled upon moments, moments that I'll dearly miss.
Good God I'll miss this land.
For more on . . .