Judah stayed home from school today so he could go with Mom to the doctor and see the baby (which is technically due today but will probably come in another five days or so).
They spent the morning, talking of China, and laughing over memories. She had the foresight to have him type out his thoughts on her computer.
What are some of your first memories of China?
Cousins! I remember being surprised and happy that I had a bunk bed, but scared we lived so high up from the ground in our house. Also, being in a big earthquake.
Our first meal out, just as a family.
Judah and Eden's first bedroom.
You arrived in Chengdu China, shortly after turning 5 years old in 2012. What do you remember being some difficult things for you?
I really missed my family and school was sad because I had no friends in my class and all the boys had black hair but me, and I didn't understand anything that the Korean's were saying.
Judah's buddy, Solomon
2nd Grade Field Trip
During the first year after moving away, what do you remember missing the most from your life in America?
Hamburgers, playing in the backyard with dogs, road trips in cars, going to Home Depot with daddy, having a garden, Dairy Queen, being able to understand and speak the same language as everyone, and going to the big library. I missed seeing farms and tractors.
What are some of your fondest memories of your time in China?
-Playing in Zhonghai with Ryley and Ari and Sadie and on the top of the old school roof we had a big fun campfire on Chinese New Year.
-I was sad to move from our first home but when I got here there was a pool and a big roof.
-Going on a trip by myself with dad and mom to Xichang, climbing the big mountain, and being on an overnight train for a long time.
-When the Wells moved to China and he was my 3rd grade teacher.
-Going to the Philippines with my mom and the Wells and the Bennett's.
-Staying a week in a hostel in the Kangding Mountains.
-My 9th birthday with friends and going to the hot springs with Gengsen.
-Miss Bekah taking care of us while my parents were gone.
-All the camping trips.
At a countryside Chinese school
In the Philippines
Is there anything you regret or wish you would have done these last five years?
Going to the hot springs with my family, Spent more time with Solomon, wishing I would have learned how to speak Chinese better, learned how to dive at the pool.
Photo walk
What do you think you will miss the very most about your life here?
My friends! Eating on the porch, my bedroom, the street food like fried rice and spicy potato fries, being at the same school as daddy, Global Center, ZZY neighborhood, Kangding, the freedom of running around and leaving outside the gate without my parents, riding on the scooter with daddy, the city noise from our apartment.
His other buddy, Gengsen
What are you most looking forward to when you leave China in a couple months?
I am really excited to see Papa and Meme and Adah and Selah, Camping more, driving tractors with Uncle Jake and Kade, playing with Nathan again, the food, not having to worry about bad air and not having recess, Snow!
On another adventure with Mom
You are now nearly 10 years old and have spent the last five years in China. What are some lessons you have learned during this time of living overseas?
At first I thought that the Chinese people were kinda scary and I didn't like them. But then I started to realize that they were very nice and helpful! I learned how to make coffee. I learned how to swim. and I learned how to make a campfire.I learned how to make a lantern! I learned that earthquakes can cause a lot of damage. I learned how to make waffles. I learned how much I love to travel. I learned how to use a big camera. I learned how to type.
photo by Judah