Taken in a moment of deep discussion. Because that's what Warren inspires. And it's what feeds the soul.
Today was a good day.
Pancakes, coffee, and cleaning, with a few games of Sequence thrown in (Warren won 2/3 and Judah 1/3). For lunch, I took Warren out for some Sichuan street food and great conversation. We were not disappointed.
I've come across only a few people who can challenge, encourage, and inspire with such passion and sincerity as Warren can, and even though his visit only lasted a week, his presence will be deeply missed.
The afternoon was simple, filled with music. Judah read comic stories with Warren, Josey sat in the sun, and the girls played with beads.
For dinner, we celebrated John Blanchard.
Happy Birthday John!
"It feels like the last few nights of the summer, before coming back to China." - Warren
In one year's time:
Michelle will be in Saudi Arabia.
Jacie and Hannah and John will stay in Chengdu.
Walkers will be in the Republic of Congo.
Warren will be back in Wuhan.
We'll be in the States.
Oh, the places we go.