I recently listened to a podcast where the innovation of elevators was addressed, and it got me thinking . . .
In the early stages of elevator invention, a great deal of time was spent considering how to make them faster because waiting several minutes, in a small space, in awkward silence, is uncomfortable for everyone. The problem was, because of safety, they couldn't make the elevators go faster. They were stuck.
So, what then? If we can't improve the product, how do we achieve our goal?
Answer: Change the experience.
Instead of spending time and energy working on how to reduce the time spent in the elevator, innovative minds shifted towards changing how they spent time in the elevator. Soon after, elevator music was introduced. Then mirrors. They focused on the experience rather than the outcome. And in doing so, they achieved their desired outcome: make the elevator ride faster, and less awkward.
And this had me thinking . . .
As an Educator:
Educators are problem solvers by nature. When we encounter a problem, be it academic or behavior, we solve it. We create intervention plans, develop and/or modify curriculums, and do whatever else is needed in order to achieve the desired outcome.
The problem is, we get stuck thinking of how to improve the product rather than considering how to change the experience. And sometimes, that keeps us in a box of innovative thinking.
Where can I shift my thinking away from large-scale, “vertical” thinking? Because sometimes, like the speed of an elevator, there are problems that cannot be improved - they are what they are - and instead of fixing the problem, I need to change the experience with the problem.
As a Husband:
Often times I spend a great deal of time considering how to improve my marriage with major changes/interventions, when really, I should simply focus on the surrounding "experiential" things that bring me to the same desired outcome.
Marriage counseling, although often helpful, isn’t always needed. Sometimes, instead of considering large-scale changes or interventions, I need to be more mindful of how I greet my wife in the morning, respond to her when she's having a hard day, and spend more time considering ways to bless/encourage her. If I change the experience, I can often achieve my desired outcome of a healthier relationship, more intimate conversations, and a more confident, secure wife.
As a Person:
I am a “fix it” sort of person. My wife says I am incapable of resting, largely because I cannot sit and do nothing. I have to be working on something, improving something, building something.
I also struggle with the impatient belief that my efforts will produce instant (or instant-ish) success or change. And there are very few things in life that have such quick and immediate outcomes.
Elevator thinking has encouraged me to be patient. And to consider the Prayer of Serenity:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; and Wisdom to know the difference.
Elevator thinking encourages me to change what I can. But when I can’t change it, instead of simply accepting it with a hands-up, I give up sort of mentality, it asks that I change THE EXPERIENCE around the things I cannot change.
Elevator thinking is still active, even when we can’t do anything about. It is the difference between blind optimism (Good Vibes Only!) and active optimism that accepts the reality of the situation, while also doing something about it.
Where in your classrooms and schools, relationships and life interactions, can you get outside the box of Linear Elevator thinking (must go faster!) and move towards Horizontal Elevator thinking (just add mirrors!)?
Where can you change the experience?
That’s what I’ve been thinking about this week.
Give. Relate. Explore. Analyze. Try.
For more on . . .
Friday Thoughts : Blog