Friday Thought : Happy Valentines Day!

Below are a few quotes I've been considering this week. They're from the book Personal and Authentic: Designing Learning Experiences that Impact a Lifetime, by Thomas C. Murray. I've recently finished it, so if you're interested, stop on in and I'd be glad to pass it along!

Success is a "fail-forward mindset, intertwined with perseverance and resilience during the difficult times, and humility in the best of times."

"It is your display of humility in the best of times and your fail-forward mindset and perseverance during the difficult times that will make those around you want to follow."

"Every time we fail is an opportunity to model how to get up and keep trying to those who look to us for direction."

"The educators who make the largest impact talk about and focus on opportunities. Less effective educators talk about and focus on obstacles."