Friday Thought : Words of our Leaders


In the past week, I’ve listened to the podcast, Learning to Love with Tim Shriver hosted by Simon Sinek twice. I’ve listened to it twice! I hardly ever listen to a podcast twice, much less in the same week, but this one was different. I needed it.

At one point in the episode, Simon references J.F.K. and his beautiful “Ask not what your country can do for you” speech and how important it was for our country then, and now. Wesley Shultz, the lead singer of the Lumineers also references the importance of that speech in his intro to the song, Charlie Boy and how it changed the trajectory of his uncle’s life.

This week, as schools and school boards are unraveling their back to school plans, as superintendents address their schools, and as principals meet with their staff, the idea that “the words of our leaders ready do matter” has hit closer to home. Especially during times of hardship.

Leaders set the tone. Their words bring meaning to the task at hand and are either stumbling blocks or life jackets. They can save lives, ruin lives, and inspire people to lay down their lives for others. They have immense power.

As a leader, we must choose our words wisely, with consequences and people in mind. Lives depend upon them.