Friday Thought : Who's Your Sleeper?

We are more than who we are. Sometimes, however, it takes another person - a friend, a teacher, colleague, or even stranger - to help us understand that.

While in High School, my senior year English teacher Mr. Huber told me I was a “good writer,” even though I was about to graduate with a 1.4 GPA. I was a terrible student, but he saw something in me, spoke into it, and instantly changed the course of my life.

One of the greatest gifts we can give people is telling them what we see in them and why they matter.

No matter who we are or who they are.

When was the last time you sat someone down and told them how important they are? What you appreciate about them? Or a vision you have for them?

When was the last time someone did it to you? I bet you can remember those times, and can probably draw a line from that conversation to who you are today. I know I can.

So why are we not doing it more often? With our colleagues? Our friends and family? Our students?

As a father I spend a great deal of time correcting my children’s behaviors and attitudes and not enough time pouring into their hearts the things they do well, where I’m proud of them, and how much they mean to our family. And I need to do better.

As a friend I send a great deal of stupid texts and TikToks, ask a variety of questions, and laugh. What I rarely do is tell them how much they mean to me, how they inspire and encourage me, and why I need them in my life. I need to be better at that, too.

As a boss, I try to encourage as much as possible, but it tends to be generic and all-inclusive. “You’re doing a great job,” I say. Or, “Thank you for all you do!” But how often do I sit down and intentionally tell the individuals what they SPECIFICALLY do well, where I am thankful for, and where I see them contributing to our school, our community? The answer is, not often enough.

All throughout our day we have people we can encourage, inspire, and wake up. We have the power and opportunity to speak directly into people’s lives, encouraging them and guiding them to GREAT things. We just need to speak up.

Who can you encourage today? What SPECIFICLY can you say to them that will let them know what they mean to you and to those around them?

What hidden gem or talent have you noticed in someone that they have not noticed in themselves? And how can you tell them?

What vision can you cast for someone? Be it a coworker, student, friend, or neighbor?

In whatever role we currently play, we have been gifted the opportunity of influencing our community. Who has been put directly in YOUR path so that you can help change, inspire, or encourage theirs?

Happy Friday!


Sidenote: The term sleeper comes from the podcast, At the Table and the episode, “Who is Your Sleeper?”

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-N- Stuff  :  Humanity  :  Friday Thoughts