Friday Thought : Be Purposeful



"For all his firm standards, Fred Rogers was willing to show his own vulnerability on the air. In a segment with a folk singer named Ella Jenkins, Mister Rogers and cast member Chuck Aber sang a song that goes, 'Head and shoulders, baby / one, two, three / knees adn ankles." Mister Rogers got mixed up and, laughing hysterically, touched head and shoulders while the others were on knees and toes.

Margy Whitmer figured she'd be asked to cut the scene. But Fred Rogers said, 'No, we're going to keep it. I want children to know that it's hard to learn something new, and that grown-ups make mistakes.'"

This mindset, this way of living, embodied all of Fred Rogers. He was known for being very hard and meticulous about his set and the way people conducted themselves because he cared deeply about his program and the kids whom he knew would be watching. And because he cared deeply, he did nothing unintentionally or haphazardly. He wore sneakers instead of dress shows because they were quieter and less distracting, was meticulous in how he orchestrated his show (there are nine steps to the Freddish translation), and was extremely conscientious about his pacing and use of technology - he did not merely want to entertain and gain viewership, he wanted to inspire and change lives.

Mr. Rogers, in EVERYTHING he did, was extremely purposeful. He did not stumble into stardome (nor did he desire it) nor did he accidentally or surprisingly guide, inspire, and teach generations of kids from all over the world. He simply did what he believed was right, all the time, and cared for those less fortunate. All the time. Even when - especially when - it came to things and abundance.

"The real issue in life is not how many blessings we have," Fred Rogers believed, "but what we do with our blessings. Some people have many blessings and hoard them. Some have few and give everything away."

In all we do and say, may we be conscious and purposeful, with the hope and intention of changing and inspiring lives. Just like Fred Rogers.