
Friday Thought : Show Gratitude; See the Gorilla

In a recent staff meeting, we watched the above video. Then, we talked about gratitude.

A few days ago, I was showing Rick - my lead custodian - the few cracks in our hallways that are in need of some attention. They aren't terrible, but they aren't perfect either. And because they aren't perfect, they can cause students and teachers alike to trip up. Their imperfection draws our attention.

However, they are just a fraction of the hallways. The bulk - almost 100% of the hallways - are great! Yet, how many times have we walked the halls and acknowledged how clean they are? How smooth and reliable they are? How beautiful and encouraging the bulletin boards are?

Not very often.

This week, I have been reminded of how quickly we take for granted the things and people in our lives who do good things, who work hard, and who are reliable, kind, and helpful. Instead of seeing and appreciating the good that is done, we get discouraged by those who are destructive. Instead of focusing on the coming opportunities, we get distracted by the task at hand and the cracks that trip us up.

We can can’t the number of passes made by those in white t-shirts but miss the gorilla.

This month, my school is focusing on the word Gratitude, and what I love about the definition is that it does not merely focus on appreciating the people and things in our lives, but the CHOICE to do so.

Gratitude is choosing to appreciate the people and things in our lives!

As we continue to work hard at completing the tasks before us, as we navigate through or correct the cracks ahead of us, my challenge to you, my staff and students, as well as myself is to not only CHOOSE to see and appreciate the people and things around us but do acknowledge them with a note.

This month, as often as possible, write down the moments, the things, and for sure the PEOPLE who inspire, encourage and support you. Who reminds you of the goodness in life. Who keeps you accountable and heading in the right direction. Who make you a better person.

Let them know they are noticed and appreciated, and that they are making a difference.

Or, as my fifth-grade teachers did, make a poster and hang it in the hallway.

That’s what I’ve been thinking about this week.

Happy Friday!


Give. Relate. Explore. Analyze. Try.

For more on . . .

Friday Thoughts : Blog

Friday Thought : Why We Thank Our Crossing Guards

A few days ago one of my teachers emailed me, asking if we could recognize our crossing guard because, “We have had him for several years” she wrote, “and he is so good with the kids and always waves at everyone.”

So today, we celebrated him (you can see the full video here).

And as Kevin entered the foyer, students and staff cheered, and a few tears began to role down his cheeks.

When asked, “Raise your hands if Mr Kevin has ever made you feel safe,” a sea of hands rose and waved in the air. Students and staff alike.

And when it was over, the hearts of all who were present were filled and encouraged.

Later that afternoon, I wrote my staff this email:

Thank you for taking the time to come and celebrate Kevin.

I don't know about you, but moments like these are powerful reminders of how important it is to reach out and acknowledge those who do GREAT things.

It's also a great learning opportunity for our kiddos! For them to see the POWER of gratitude and thankfulness is so important. Even at a young age, they have the ability to make a difference in someone's life.

Thank you for providing them this opportunity.

In a time where educators are exhausted and in need of encouragement, there is no greater gift than to celebrate another.

As you consider ways to encourage, support, and inspire your staff, instead of reaching for the checkbook, fancy food trays, or handwritten notes (all of which do matter and definitely help), consider sending a few emails, gathering a few gifts, and spending a few short minutes intentionally and personally celebrating the individuals around you who make a difference.

Receiving gifts is nice. Giving someone a memory they will never forget is even better. For them, and for ourselves.

Happy Friday!!!


Give. Relate. Explore. Analyze. Try.

For more on . . .

Friday Thoughts : The importance of Giving : Blog

Friday Thought : Leave it at the Door

This week, gratitude and generosity have been on my mind. Especially when times are hard or seem extremely bleak, it is hard to be grateful or full of generosity because, really, we’re just trying to survive, to put food on the table, and to not cry in front of the kids.

How do we move on from these moments of sadness? From these pits of despair?

I don’t know. But ensuring others don’t feel the same and trying to make them feel seen and heard and loved - even if just for a moment, sometimes seems to help. Not fully, not completely, but a little. It helps to know we’re helping.

This is what teachers do, almost daily. They give of themselves by leaving their shit at the door and loving the hell out of their students. They give, even when their marriages are a mess, their homes are in chaos, and their lives seems to be falling apart. Because that’s what quality teachers do. And as educational leaders, we must therefore work even harder to ensure that they are replenished, that they feel loved, appreciated, and known. We must fill them up.