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"You suck at your job," I was recently told by an angry parent.
"You're probably right," I responded.
Shortly after, she picked up her child and I dealt with another student.
Later that night, I was thinking about the interaction, and although my response was out of frustration, the more I thought about it, the more I agreed with the statement because I do. Not entirely, maybe. Or at least not holistically in how she said it, that she meant it. But the obvious truth is I'm not perfect - not even close. I probably even suck at portions of it. And although I'm not okay with it, it's reality. And it's where I'm at.
Because here's another truth bomb . . . When some of the staff started their teaching experience, I was a middle schooler! Which
Again, it doesn't make it okay, but it does make it okay because who among us is perfect? Is a master at their WHOLE craft, be it a profession, parenting, adulting, or simply just living? Who among us doesn't suck at something?
But also, who do you know that eager to do our jobs? Who is standing in line, ready to step into our shows, and shoulder our responsibilities?
The crickets are deafening.
Which is why I think this scene so often. It's from the movie Fury, a WWII tank movie. And it is one of my favorites.
Four men are sitting in a tank, waiting for a battle they cannot win when one of them - who has mastered very little in the art of war and combat - quotes the Bible, "'Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'"
Then suddenly, they are ready. They are prepared for battle.
Not many of us suck completely at our jobs. But all of us feel that way at times. Some of us are even accused of it. Even exposed of it. But when the question is asked, "Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?" We are the few who stand and say, "Here am I. Send me!"
And I cannot think of a more courageous and noble thing - to do what needs to be done when no one else wants to do it.
Thank you for doing it. Our world needs more people like you. Our world survives and thrives because of people like you.
Even when you suck at your job.
That’s what I’ve been thinking about this week.
Give. Reflect. Explore. Analyze. Try.
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