The other day, while driving home, I was tired. Real tired. And I started to fall asleep.
Rumble strips woke me up and I quickly corrected myself. But only for a little while. A few minutes later, rumble strips again. And no matter how hard I tried to stay awake, I kept dozing off.
Rumble strips.
Rumble strips.
Rumble strips.
Finally, I made it home. Tired, a little afraid, and thankful for the continued rumbles that kept me on the road and most certainly out of a terrible wreck.
The next morning, one of my favorite podcasts, 99% Invisible, published an episode entitled Rumble Strip. In it, the host describes a rumble strip as "one of those things on the side of the road that wakes you up when you're about to have a major car accident. It's essentially, 'slow down and listen.'"
Life also provides us rumble strips. In little and often subtle ways - in almost a whisper - we are reminded that we're falling asleep to what's important, that we're beginning to drift off course, and that we need to correct our direction.
At other times, the reminders are not so subtle. They're jarring, invasive, and confrontational. They’re uncomfortable, like a scream to the face to "WAKE UP!" because we’re drifting and we need correction.
Yet, unlike the rumble strips on the side of the road that are almost unavoidable, life’s rumble strips are easy to ignore, brush aside, or excuse away.
Warnings of unhealthy relationships, of struggling teenage children, of toxic working environments.
We become accustomed to the rumble, learn to ignore the impending danger, and are then shocked when disaster strikes. Often because we are too busy to notice, to simply turn the wheel, or to gently pump the breaks. Better to keep going and hope for the best.
Better to stay busy. Better to “push through.”
Recently, with end of the year tasks piling up, with the Honey-Do list growing and growing, and with baby #5 days away from joining our family, the sound of rumble strips has become a soft and ever-present hum. And instead of pushing down on the gas, of working harder, or believing they really are no big deal, I need to slow down and listen. To my kiddos, my staff, and my wife.
Instead of being distracted, I need to be aware. Instead of strong, I need to be brave. Instead of being busy, I need to be present.
I need to listen for rumble strips.
As we enter the final days of the year, please be mindful of the things and people around you. Listen for the rumble strips, either in your own life or in the life of others. It isn't just about getting to the end (although that's important); it's how we get there that matters as well - perhaps even more so.
Love your kiddos, enjoy these days, finish strong. Be present!
And when needed, slow down and listen.
That’s what I’ve been thinking about this week.
Happy Friday!
Give. Relate. Explore. Analyze. Try.
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