by Emily Temple (I'm starting to really dig her work).

Today, if you can believe it, makes it ten years since we lost one of the greatest American writers—and, no matter how he tried to deny it, one of the greatest writing teachers. Certainly one of the greatest writing advice list-makers, at any rate. Vonnegut’s many thoughts on writing have been widely shared, taught, studied and adapted (designer Maya Eilam’s infographic-ized version of his “shapes of stories” lecture springs vividly to mind) because his advice tends to be straightforward, generous, and (most importantly) right.

Plus, it’s no-nonsense advice with a little bit of nonsense. Like his books, really. Find some of Vonnegut’s greatest writing advice, plucked from interviews, essays, and elsewhere, below—but first, find some of Vonnegut’s greatest life advice right here: “I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don’t let anybody tell you different.” Okay, proceed.

On proper punctuation:

Here is a lesson in creative writing. First rule: Do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. All they do is show you’ve been to college. (From A Man Without a Country)

On having other interests:

I think it can be tremendously refreshing if a creator of literature has something on his mind other than the history of literature so far. Literature should not disappear up its own asshole, so to speak. (From “an interview conducted with himself, by himself,” for The Paris Review)

On the value of writing:

If you want to really hurt your parents, and you don’t have the nerve to be gay, the least you can do is go into the arts. I’m not kidding. The arts are not a way to make a living. They are a very human way of making life more bearable. Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven’s sake. Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio. Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possible can. You will get an enormous reward. You will have created something. (From A Man Without a Country)

On the theory of teaching creative writing:

I don’t have the will to teach anymore. I only know the theory… It was stated by Paul Engle—the founder of the Writers Workshop at Iowa. He told me that, if the workshop ever got a building of its own, these words should be inscribed over the entrance: “Don’t take it all so seriously.” (From “an interview conducted with himself, by himself,” for The Paris Review)

On plot:

I guarantee you that no modern story scheme, even plotlessness, will give a reader genuine satisfaction, unless one of those old-fashioned plots is smuggled in somewhere. I don’t praise plots as accurate representations of life, but as ways to keep readers reading. When I used to teach creative writing, I would tell the students to make their characters want something right away—even if it’s only a glass of water. Characters paralyzed by the meaninglessness of modern life still have to drink water from time to time. One of my students wrote a story about a nun who got a piece of dental floss stuck between her lower left molars, and who couldn’t get it out all day long. I thought that was wonderful. The story dealt with issues a lot more important than dental floss, but what kept readers going was anxiety about when the dental floss would finally be removed. Nobody could read that story without fishing around in his mouth with a finger. Now, there’s an admirable practical joke for you. When you exclude plot, when you exclude anyone’s wanting anything, you exclude the reader, which is a mean-spirited thing to do. You can also exclude the reader by not telling him immediately where the story is taking place, and who the people are [and what they want].

And you can put him to sleep by never having characters confront each other. Students like to say that they stage no confrontations because people avoid confrontations in modern life. “Modern life is so lonely,” they say. This is laziness. It’s the writer’s job to stage confrontations, so the characters will say surprising and revealing things, and educate and entertain us all. If a writer can’t or won’t do that, he should withdraw from the trade. (From “an interview conducted with himself, by himself,” for The Paris Review)

On not selling anything:

I used to teach a writer’s workshop at the University of Iowa back in the 1960s, and I would say at the start of every semester, “The role model for this course is Vincent van Gogh—who sold two paintings to his brother.” (Laughs.) I just sit and wait to see what’s inside me, and that’s the case for writing or for drawing, and then out it comes. There are times when nothing comes. James Brooks, the fine abstract-expressionist, I asked him what painting was like for him, and he said, “I put the first stroke on the canvas and then the canvas has to do half the work.” That’s how serious painters are. They’re waiting for the canvas to do half the work. (Laughs.) Come on. Wake up. (From The Last Interview)

On love in fiction:

So much of what happens in storytelling is mechanical, has to do with the technical problems of how to make a story work. Cowboy stories and policeman stories end in shoot-outs, for example, because shoot-outs are the most reliable mechanisms for making such stories end. There is nothing like death to say what is always such an artificial thing to say: “The end.” I try to keep deep love out of my stories because, once that particular subject comes up, it is almost impossible to talk about anything else. Readers don’t want to hear about anything else. They go gaga about love. If a lover in a story wins his true love, that’s the end of the tale, even if World War III is about to begin, and the sky is black with flying saucers. (From “an interview conducted with himself, by himself,” for The Paris Review)

On a good work schedule:

I get up at 7:30 and work four hours a day. Nine to twelve in the morning, five to six in the evening. Businessmen would achieve better results if they studied human metabolism. No one works well eight hours a day. No one ought to work more than four hours. (From an interview with Robert Taylor in Boston Globe Magazine, 1969)

On “how to write with style,” aka List #1:

1. Find a subject you care about
Find a subject you care about and which you in your heart feel others should care about. It is this genuine caring, and not your games with language, which will be the most compelling and seductive element in your style.

I am not urging you to write a novel, by the way—although I would not be sorry if you wrote one, provided you genuinely cared about something. A petition to the mayor about a pothole in front of your house or a love letter to the girl next door will do.

2. Do not ramble, though
I won’t ramble on about that.

3. Keep it simple
As for your use of language: Remember that two great masters of language, William Shakespeare and James Joyce, wrote sentences which were almost childlike when their subjects were most profound. “To be or not to be?” asks Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The longest word is three letters long. Joyce, when he was frisky, could put together a sentence as intricate and as glittering as a necklace for Cleopatra, but my favorite sentence in his short story “Eveline” is this one: “She was tired.” At that point in the story, no other words could break the heart of a reader as those three words do.

Simplicity of language is not only reputable, but perhaps even sacred. The Bible opens with a sentence well within the writing skills of a lively fourteen-year-old: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”

4. Have guts to cut
It may be that you, too, are capable of making necklaces for Cleopatra, so to speak. But your eloquence should be the servant of the ideas in your head. Your rule might be this: If a sentence, no matter how excellent, does not illuminate your subject in some new and useful way, scratch it out.

5. Sound like yourself
The writing style which is most natural for you is bound to echo the speech you heard when a child. English was Conrad’s third language, and much that seems piquant in his use of English was no doubt colored by his first language, which was Polish. And lucky indeed is the writer who has grown up in Ireland, for the English spoken there is so amusing and musical. I myself grew up in Indianapolis, where common speech sounds like a band saw cutting galvanized tin, and employs a vocabulary as unornamental as a monkey wrench.

In some of the more remote hollows of Appalachia, children still grow up hearing songs and locutions of Elizabethan times. Yes, and many Americans grow up hearing a language other than English, or an English dialect a majority of Americans cannot understand.

All these varieties of speech are beautiful, just as the varieties of butterflies are beautiful. No matter what your first language, you should treasure it all your life. If it happens to not be standard English, and if it shows itself when your write standard English, the result is usually delightful, like a very pretty girl with one eye that is green and one that is blue.

I myself find that I trust my own writing most, and others seem to trust it most, too, when I sound most like a person from Indianapolis, which is what I am. What alternatives do I have? The one most vehemently recommended by teachers has no doubt been pressed on you, as well: to write like cultivated Englishmen of a century or more ago.

6. Say what you mean
I used to be exasperated by such teachers, but am no more. I understand now that all those antique essays and stories with which I was to compare my own work were not magnificent for their datedness or foreignness, but for saying precisely what their authors meant them to say. My teachers wished me to write accurately, always selecting the most effective words, and relating the words to one another unambiguously, rigidly, like parts of a machine. The teachers did not want to turn me into an Englishman after all. They hoped that I would become understandable—and therefore understood. And there went my dream of doing with words what Pablo Picasso did with paint or what any number of jazz idols did with music. If I broke all the rules of punctuation, had words mean whatever I wanted them to mean, and strung them together higgledy-piggledy, I would simply not be understood. So you, too, had better avoid Picasso-style or jazz-style writing, if you have something worth saying and wish to be understood.

Readers want our pages to look very much like pages they have seen before. Why? This is because they themselves have a tough job to do, and they need all the help they can get from us.

7. Pity the readers
They have to identify thousands of little marks on paper, and make sense of them immediately. They have to read, an art so difficult that most people don’t really master it even after having studied it all through grade school and high school—twelve long years.

So this discussion must finally acknowledge that our stylistic options as writers are neither numerous nor glamorous, since our readers are bound to be such imperfect artists. Our audience requires us to be sympathetic and patient readers, ever willing to simplify and clarify—whereas we would rather soar high above the crowd, singing like nightingales.

That is the bad news. The good news is that we Americans are governed under a unique Constitution, which allows us to write whatever we please without fear of punishment. So the most meaningful aspect of our styles, which is what we choose to write about, is utterly unlimited.

8. For really detailed advice
For a discussion of literary style in a narrower sense, in a more technical sense, I recommend to your attention The Elements of Style, by William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White. E.B. White is, of course, one of the most admirable literary stylists this country has so far produced.

You should realize, too, that no one would care how well or badly Mr. White expressed himself, if he did not have perfectly enchanting things to say. (From “How to Write With Style,” published in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ journal Transactions on Professional Communications in 1980.)

On how to write good short stories, aka List #2:

1. Use the time of a total stranger in such a way that he or she will not feel the time was wasted.
2. Give the reader at least one character he or she can root for.
3. Every character should want something, even if it is only a glass of water.
4. Every sentence must do one of two things—reveal character or advance the action.
5. Start as close to the end as possible.
6. Be a sadist. No matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them—in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
7. Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.
8. Give your readers as much information as possible as soon as possible. To heck with suspense. Readers should have such complete understanding of what is going on, where and why, that they could finish the story themselves, should cockroaches eat the last few pages.

The greatest American short story writer of my generation was Flannery O’Connor (1925-1964). She broke practically every one of my rules but the first. Great writers tend to do that. (From the preface to Bagombo Snuff Box)

On ignoring rules:

And there, I’ve just used a semi-colon, which at the outset I told you never to use. It is to make a point that I did it. The point is: Rules only take us so far, even good rules. (From A Man Without a Country)

On the shapes of stories:


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-N- Stuff  :  On Writing :  Books

Found Sounds: Making Instruments From Trash

Ken Butler is a Brooklyn-based artist and musician who has built over 400 musical instruments from discarded objects. It's pretty nifty (via).

I love this concept - of taking something discarded, something "unworthy" and making it beautiful once more. 

Such is art.

Such is life.



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-N- Stuff  :  Music  



By Emily Temple

“I think of all my books as music before I write them,” Virginia Woolf once said. It shows—her work isn’t necessarily what I’d call musical, but it is rhythmic, both formally and thematically, indicative of an internal melody. Woolf was an avid music fan, of course, and I won’t venture to guess what she was actually listening to—in her head in her room—when she was writing her masterpiece To the Lighthouse. But below, I have given my impressions of the novel in musical, or rather playlist, form—a sort of reverse-engineering of Woolf’s own process.

The thing I always say about To the Lighthouse to those who haven’t read it is that it’s the closest a novel has ever come to feeling like direct experience for me. That is, it feels like a reflection of consciousness as opposed to something external to it, which also seems to me to be a quality of (good) music. E.M. Forster called To the Lighthouse “a novel in sonata form”—as it is split up into three sections—movements, as it were—so shall this playlist be.

The Window

In the first section of To the Lighthouse, Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay and their various friends have gathered at the Ramsays’ summer home, and embark on various amorous, artistic, and philosophical pursuits. Thematically, this is the happiest part of the novel, abuzz with the busy loudness of life, the push and pull, the will we go to the lighthouse tomorrow, the dinner, the boeuf-en-daube, the society of others—all of this conflicted but essentially joyous.

1. “Summertime Clothes,” Animal Collective
In the novel, Woolf moves in and out of her characters’ minds indiscriminately, sometimes changing perspectives in the middle of a sentence. Animal Collective’s fuzzy, messy music always puts me in mind of this er, collective manner of representation—and this song in particular is evocative of the frantic energy and frazzled joy of a summer vacation.

2. “Bloom,” Chymes
Speaking of Woolf’s fluid perspectives, the lyrics to the chorus of this moodier track are pretty apt:  “I’ve wrapped you around my mind/All your words, they flow into mine.” Tonally, it’s a good reflection of some of Mrs. Ramsay’s quieter moments—or perhaps Lily’s, looking at her.

3. “The Hissing of Summer Lawns,” Joni Mitchell
I’ve always found this song to be weird, but also perfectly evocative of summer evenings. I feel like Lily would totally jam out to this while working on her painting.

4. “It’s Only Life,” The Shins
All of the messy confusion of the first section culminates in a dinner party (enter the boeuf-en-daube). Things seem to fall into place, but even this only serves to remind Mrs. Ramsay of the transience of life. The easy melody and uplifting message—but ultimate melancholy—of this song seems to me to suit, rather.

Time Passes

Ten years, in fact. The house that once held so much life stands empty, and decays. So do some of the people we’ve met, including Mrs. Ramsay, who departs this life between parentheses. The narrator is now time, perhaps, or the house, perhaps, or something else:

So loveliness reigned and stillness, and together made the shape of loveliness itself, a form from which life had parted; solitary like a pool at evening, far distant, seen from a train window, vanishing so quickly that the pool, pale in the evening, is scarcely robbed of its solitude, though once seen. Loveliness and stillness clasped hands in the bedroom, and among the shrouded jugs and sheeted chairs even the prying of the wind, and the soft nose of the clammy sea airs, rubbing, snuffling, iterating, and reiterating their questions—“Will you fade? Will you perish?”—scarcely disturbed the peace, the indifference, the air of pure integrity, as if the question they asked scarcely needed that they should answer: we remain.

By the end of this short section, however, all this lament and dissolution is interrupted: the cottage comes to life again, as Mrs. McNab begins to prepare it, as best she can, for the return of Mr. Ramsay and his guests.

5. “The Moonlight Sonata,” Beethoven
No pop music for Time Passes, sorry. Only the best for this devastating section—and I can’t really think of a better soundtrack to a house on the beach going forgotten.

6. “Path 19 (yet frailest),” Max Richter
Another sad one, and almost minimalist. I actually discovered Max Richter through his album Three Worlds: Music from Woolf Works (the works in question are Mrs. DallowayOrlando, and The Waves, which really doesn’t help me for this particular project, Max), so perhaps there’s some cross-pollination going on here. But I still think this song is an empty dream, perfect for this section.

The Lighthouse

Well, in The Lighthouse they go to the lighthouse—at long last. Not, of course, without almost everything of import having changed, though several of the living characters are back, filling roles and spaces that may fit them yet, or may do so oddly. The loss of Mrs. Ramsay is deeply felt by all. There’s a sense of a journey being completed in this section, but the joy to be found is only a pale reflection of the previous joy. Much has been lost, not only Mrs. Ramsay, and not all of it comprehensible to those that once held it.

7. “Unravel,” Björk
I hear Lily’s longing for Mrs. Ramsay in this song. I also have a sneaking suspicion that Virginia Woolf would have been best friends with Björk.

8. “8 (circle),” Bon Iver
The cacophony of melancholy at the end of this watery, midnight song clinches it.

9. “(No One Knows Me) Like the Piano,” Sampha
The piano in Mrs. Ramsay’s house plays a significant metaphorical role in this novel—on Mr. Ramsay: “It was a splendid mind. For if thought is like the keyboard of a piano, divided into so many notes, or like the alphabet is ranged in twenty-six letters all in order, then his splendid mind had no sort of difficulty in running over those letters one by one, firmly and accurately, until it had reached, say, the letter Q.”—and the lyrics to this melancholy-yet-hopeful song make me think of James at the end—missing his mother, on a boat with his father and sister, finally going to the lighthouse, profoundly lonely but perhaps in a position to reconnect to what family he has left.

10. “Swim Good,” Frank Ocean
Okay, so the details aren’t exactly right, but there’s something about this song—and the (problematic) idea of the ocean as a place of redemption and renewal that reminds me of James, and even Mr. Ramsay.

You can listen to them all here.


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Double King, by Felix Colgrave

A film about love and regicide. Made by Felix Colgrave over the course of 2 years.

Felix describes himself this way: "I am a disembodied head. I animate using a pen shoved in my neckhole. One day, science will be able to graft my head on to a tree, and I'll give up animation to focus on growing walnuts off of my body."

His videos, which are many, are just as entertaining, and confusing.



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-N- Stuff  :  Short Films  

Letter from a past generation

This letter, from Will Schoder's grandfather, reminded me of my grandfather. It's something he would have written, probably even did. I'm just not fortunate enough to have it stored in a box.

I'm not a big fan of downing the Millennial generation because, mainly, most of what I hear is unfair and biased. There is probably truth in the criticism, just as much as there is error, and I'd rather focus on the things I can control. Myself. Just like this grandfather here. He can articulate his frustrations with some of his fellow countryman, and articulate it well, but it doesn't drive him to hate or ridicule others. Rather, he pursued his wife, he fought in a war, and he lived his life; he changed himself. 

This letter crosses all times and boundaries and is a good reminder on how to live life: honestly and admirably and fully in the moment - "with our whole being" and with little or "no need to fear the future." 

Thank you, Barry, for the sweet reminder. 



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-N- Stuff  :  On Living  :  Will Schoder

People are photoshopping Mr. Bean, and it will make your day

I've seen some of these images posted in a few places today, and they just kill me each time, and distract me from the things I should be doing. Alas.

This is from boredpanda:

"Mr. Bean is probably one of the funniest faces of all time. I mean, the character barely talks yet still manages to make us laugh all the time. There are rumors that he may return, but we don't know for sure. Until then, let's enjoy some hilarious pics of him to brighten this dull {any day} at work."

Here are a few of my favorites:



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-N- Stuff

Raising Girls : Brave, Courageous, Adventurous

Gutsy girls skateboard, climb trees, clamber around, fall down, scrape their knees, get right back up — and grow up to be brave women (via).

This really challenged me. With two girls, both with very different personalities, these . . . truths, are appropriate.

Eden is extremely timid by nature, shy, and sensitive. She holds hurts longer than the other two kids and needs longer to work through her frustrations. Her spirit is gentle. She also loves adventures, camping, and exploring, just like her Mom. My challenge for her, then, is to encourage the pushing of the boundaries, to build her confidence, and to provide opportunities where she can succeed (and fail) outside her comfort zone. Because she will need the push.

Zion will need the leash. She has little fear, runs without worry, and jumps without asking. She is often covered in mud and scrapes, with little twigs stuck in her head of curls, and I don't want to squash this fearlessness. For her, my task is to help guide, to provide avenues where she can pursue it with limited danger (the risk assessment Caroline mentioned), so as to encourage it and grow it. Her concept of girl has no limitations, and I want to keep it that way. I want her to be #likeagirl.

Brave, courageous, adventurous. These are what I want my girls to be. But also honest, sincere, kind, and loyal. I want them to be women of character. Women of humility and integrity. 

Woman worthy of the title. 


Caroline Paul is an American writer of fiction and non-fiction. She was raised in Connecticut, and educated in journalism and documentary film at Stanford University (via).

Caroline has published four books:

The Gutsy Girl: Escapades for Your Life of Epic Adventure

East, Wind, Rain: A Novel

Fighting Fire

Lost Cat: A Trust Story of Love, Desperation, and GPS Technology


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Raising Daughters  :  TED Talks  :  On Parenting


Sundial Philosophy : the little reminders, hidden around the world

I started listening to S-Town which, after two episodes, has quickly become one of my favorites. . Hosted by This American Life producer Brian Reed and produced by the creative team behind Serial, S-Town is brilliant, complicated, frequently troubling, and often painfully beautiful (via).

At the end of the second episode, John, the stories main character, shares a bit about sundials and their philosophy, "All sundial mottos are sad" he says, a reflection of the sentiments of its maker or owner.

"As the shadow crept along," Brian Reed states, "you were actually witnessing the rotation of the earth. It's so much less abstracted than a clock; a level closer to time itself."

And perhaps to life as well. 

With so much transition happening, like a countdown to our last hundred days in China, I'm more aware than ever of the precious fleeting moments of time, and time wasted. Some of these mottos struck a deep chord. Mottos like:

Life passes like the shadow

Tedious and brief

Dum tempus habemus operemur bonum. (While we have time, let us do good)

Use the hours, don't count them

Even as you watch, I'm fleeing

Soon comes night

In the podcast, Brian Reed says, "These little reminders are out there, hidden in crannies around the world." And they are, and I'm continually struggling with them.

Recently, I've given up sports. I didn't watch the Super Bowl (by accident) and haven't watched a sporting event since (on purpose) because the question came to mind, "If I never see another game again, will I really miss it?" I don't know. But I like asking the question, and I like filling in the time with other things, like blogging, reading, or being with my family.

Which is another reason why these mottos struck me. Because time is fleeing, the hours are passing by faster than I can count, and I'm terrified of what I'll miss. Of never gaining some of the hopes and dreams. So I've been more diligent than in years past, to write every day, and to read more often - and to process. Because . . .

I did nothing good today, I have lost a day

Dice bene vivere & mori (learn to live well and to die well)

Be as true to each other as this dial is to the sun

But what about resting? Sitting quietly in a living room with family? What about "living in the moment" with friends, or watching a movie with family? Are those "wasted times"? Because before I know it, my kids will be gone, my marriage several years older, and what then? If I've been published, have a successful writing career, and have traveled several more places but have lost time, what then? Because the sundials say,

Make haste, but slowly

Lente hora, celeriter anni. (An hour passes slowly, but the years go by quickly)

Serius est quam cogitas. (It's later than you think).

This is what I'm wrestling with. And the sun sets yet again.


Here's a history of the sundial and keeping time


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TED Talks  :  -N- Stuff

Air Guitar World Championships

All kids, and some adults, have played the air guitar in the mirror, imagining themselves before a sell-out crowed. Because it's only natural.

Little did we know, we could be stars doing so.

Since 1996, The Air Guitar World Championships has annually been held in Oulu, Finland, "taking the once so absurd idea into an international media event that attracts a wide international league of contestants, audience and media representatives." The Big Happy Family includes Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Kazakhstan, Russia, The Netherlands, and the United States.

Matt "Airistotle" Burns (USA) was last years winner.

Burns unseated former champ Kereel "Your Daddy" Blumenkrants, his friend from Russia, who placed second. The close friendship of the two best air guitarists in the world is proof that the Air Guitar World Championships' message of unity and world peace is a real one.
Nicole "Mom Jeans Jeanie" Sevcik and her husband Luke "Van Dammage" Sevcik made competitive air guitar history as the first married couple to make the second round of competition, placing third and fifth respectively.
Peace and goodwill filled the air as a crowd of more than 5,000 sang along to a Karaoke performance of The Beatles' "All You Need is Love" during the show's halftime.
15 air guitarists from around the world competed in this year’s Air Guitar World Championships Final (via).

So really, what this means for all of us who've started and restarted and bought and sold several guitars with the hopes of one day mastering the craft, is that there's hope.

All we need now, is a mirror and some rockin good moves.


And then there's this.

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Music  :  -N- Stuff

Superheroes hold umbrellas and cut hair

Ivy a few months post surgery with Avery and Melanie (photo from The Moth)

Ivy a few months post surgery with Avery and Melanie (photo from The Moth)

The Moth has recently published two powerful stories of kindness and love. Of the kind that boost our spirits and remind us of the beauty of humanity - even in the midst of darkness.

(Click on the links to listen to their stories.)

In Tim Manley's roughly eight minute story, A Super Hero Gets Sick, he tells of when, as a boy, he become deeply sick. He was terrified of needles and didn't quiet understand all that was happening, as most young kids don't. But what he does know keeps him calm: his mother is at his side because she is his faithful sidekick - as any good superhero must have. 

Told several years after the event, Tim provides a beautiful picture of parents and the storms they shielded from their children, while we play with the raindrops that fall gently from the rings of their umbrellas, completely unaware of their fears, their pain, and their tears. 

A picture of Tim in his superhero outfit, hanging in his mother’s house. Photo courtesy Tim Manley.

A picture of Tim in his superhero outfit, hanging in his mother’s house. Photo courtesy Tim Manley.

The second story is from Melanie Kostrzewa. Told from a parents perspective, Melanie shares of the time her young daughter must undergo a craniotomy, the frustration of not being able to do anything, and the unexpected kindness of a doctor who did more than just save her daughter's life, he saved her hair.

Ivy a few months post surgery with Avery (photo from The Moth)

Ivy a few months post surgery with Avery (photo from The Moth)

Ivy post surgery at home a few days later (photo from The Moth)

Ivy post surgery at home a few days later (photo from The Moth)

The origin of Phish's Farmhouse . . . a note.

I've loved this song for many years, and I've often sat down to try and annotate it's meaning . . . to no avail. Because it just doesn't make much sense.

Until recently. 

According to Trey, “Farmhouse was written and recorded in the first five minutes of one of those trips.” He had just picked Tom up from the airport and, after pulling over to jump around in a nearby field, they “looked up at the sky, it was exploding with these deep greenish colors that {they} soon realized were the northern lights. {They} stood there and just stared in awe.”

Inspiring the words:

“I never ever saw the northern lights. (This is our farmhouse)
I never really heard of cluster flies. (Cluster flies alas)
Never ever saw the stars so bright. (This is our farmhouse)
In the farmhouse things will be alright. (Cluster flies alas)”

Before the farmhouse, none of them had ever seen the northern lights before, and they were in awe.

Then, “We continued on, and found our house down a long secluded dirt road. We walked in and I ran over to the gear and picked up a guitar while Tom plugged in a Mic. there were some sliding glass doors that we opened, and though it wasn't as intense as it had been when we pulled over, we could still see traces of the northern lights thru the door. Mostly, we were both buzzing from that magical feeling of being completely alone, and knowing that we didn't have to talk to or see a single soul for three whole days and nights, which to both of us was heaven.

I started strumming and Tom started singing, and since he didn't have any lyrics, he reached over and grabbed the note that the owner of the house had left for us and began reading it, verbatim.”

The note read:

“Welcome this is our farmhouse.
We have cluster flies alas,
And this time of year is bad.

We are so very sorry,
There is little we can do, but swat them.”

I have struggled for years over what these lyrics meant, and I am not the least bit disappointed at their origin. 

But I am still more than a little confused with the verse:

She didn't beg-
Oh not enough.
She didn't stay
When things got tough.
I told a lie
And she got mad
She wasn't there
When things got bad.

These lyrics may or may not be part of the note. I don’t really see how it can, unless the farmhouse owner is sharing some intimate detail about why the farmhouse is vacant.

As for the last verse:

Woke this morning to the stinging lash
Every man rise from the ash
Each betrayal begins with trust
Every man returns to dust.

I have no idea. I’ll leave that to you, if you want it.

And that's okay.

Ira Glass on Storytelling

UPDATE: Thanks for all your kind words guys! It's quite overwhelming to see this shared and retweeted all over! All sins typographic in nature have been amended, hopefully. Thanks for bearing with it the whole time. :) As always, all credit due to the amazing Ira Glass. Source audio is from this very seminal video by current.tv: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BI23U7U2aUY Made in three days on Illustrator and After Effects, for Day 6 of the #30daysofcreativity.

A good reminder.

Because most days, I don't believe it to be true. But if I don't put in the time and work, I know for sure it won't be.

I'm just tired of being a beginner. 

A good reminder.

"Fight your way through that."

I wrote the above for this blog, and then I wrote an email to my wife because she was the one who sent it to me.  And something dawned on me because what I wrote her was:

This is really good. Really good. Yet somehow, I am always discouraged by these as well, believing I truly am the odd one out – like maybe from the beginning, I really DON’T have good taste. Or maybe I don’t have a taste that others jive with.  Which is fine, I think, because truly it should be for me, right, as a way to express? 
It just stinks when you realize, or believe, that what you think and what you want to do to help and inspire and encourage isn’t what others want to hear. Because I might have poor taste.
Does that make sense?  
Anyway, thank you for thinking of me and for the video. . . deep down, it is encouraging and inspiring and pushed me towards writing this morning. Which, ultimately, is the only thing that will ever help me find good taste or refine my work, like Ira says.
Love you.


The tone is different, and the openness, the vulnerability is different. Why is that?

Because I wrote honestly to my wife. 

And that's the kind of writer, creator, artist I want to be. One who is honest and open, not guarded or shackled by wanting to create what I think will sell or get likes and shares. 

The world doesn't need more of those types. And maybe the world doesn't need my type either, but really, I don't know of any other way. 

So I'll keep at it.


Thank you Ira, and thank you my beautiful wife, for the reminder. 

Apps teens use to hide their activity

A friend of a friend put together a list of apps that teens are using to avoid/hide their activity and parental restrictions you may have in place. His job requires him to be vigilant with student activity and mobile devices at school. He, and I, thought it worth sharing - as parents and educators.

Here is a list of what the apps do.

LINE: A chat application popular with teens.

Burn It: A notepad that can be shared, but messages delete after a set time period.

Blender: Chat/Dating much like tinder, but seems to be very popular with the teen community.

After School: Only allows students to sign up, groups by local school based on GPS.

Omegal: Chat Application (request a subscription)

Yik Yak: GPS based chat, very popular with college kids, but anyone can chat.

ASkFM: Allows users to receive questions anonymously, much like truth or dare.

KIK: Very dangerous chat application, and very popular with teens.

Whisper: Another anonymous chat application.

Private Vaults: Vault: Encrypts and hides images and videos on your device, requiring a passcode.

Calculator+: Disguises itself as a calculator app, but allows the hiding of images and videos.

Photo Vault: Hides images using a 4 digit PIN.

Keepsafe: Hides images using a 4 digit PIN.

HiCalculator: Disguises itself as a calculator app, but allows the hiding of images and videos. Rated 17+ Content

ImGur: Image hosting site, a lot of the content is vulgar.

VPN Proxy: Evasive/ Anonymous Applications

Hexatech: Creates a virtual private network allowing you to bypass some internet filters and browse web anonymously.

Betternet, VPN Master, Turbo VPN, X-VPN, Hotpost VPN: VPN software for bypassing filters and surfing web anonymously.

"My PVC Instrument"

I can't stop watching this.

Fun facts about Snubby J!

1.) I just graduated from LMU with a Theatre Arts degree (WOOHOO!)

2.) I built my own PVC Pipe Instrument (called the "RimbaTubes") on which I play original music and medleys of recognizable songs.

3.) My goal in life is to spread joy and inspire others to be creative. I love to make entertaining music videos and want to share my work with the whole world.


The construction of his PVC instrument is fairly simple and involves hardly any materials.

Shown in photo:
-2" ABS/PVC Piping
-2" ABS/PVC Elbows
-2" ABS/PVC Couplings
-Measuring Tape
-Pipe cutter (a hacksaw will work too, but it makes the edges rough)
Not Shown in Photo:
-2x4 and 2x10's
-2 1/2" Bore
-ABS/PVC Cement
-Power tools and screws
-Castor Wheels (Optional


Pretty awesome.


For more on . . .

Music  :  -N- Stuff

Bus 44

It's easier to watch this as an American because it's distant - countryside Chinese men and women have very little in common with me. At least initially. But this scene, in all its variations, plays out over and over again all throughout the world, and probably, throughout my every day.

Because it's so much easier to look out the other window. 

And the question that this film demands an answer to, is why? Why do we turn our heads? Why do we do nothing when we can do so much. When we can help?


I'm also struck by the ending. Why did he smile? I know he's grateful that she "saved" him, but is a smile the most appropriate (or perhaps real is a better way to put it) response? If she was so distraught, so deeply hurt that she found solace in killing herself and a few dozen other people, would one really smile? It almost seems . . . selfish. Like him trying to defend her was more for him than her. 

In the presence of death and destruction, he smiles. Why? 


Thoughts anyone?

East vs West: Cultural stereotypes explained in 10 simple pictograms

Yang Liu, who was born in Beijing and moved to Berlin at 13, took on the challenge for East meets West (Taschen), a pocket-sized book of pictographs showing how values (respect for elders, treatment of newcomers) and practices (fever remedies, popular pastimes) vary across cultures (via).

Her depictions are hilarious, and spectacular. 

Screen Shot 2017-03-27 at 6.19.49 PM.png
Screen Shot 2017-03-27 at 6.21.19 PM.png

I love these illustrations, but even as I laugh and nod in agreement, the beautiful Chimamanda Adichie's words come to mind: "the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story."

These stereotypes of the East and West are indeed true, but they are also completely incomplete. And I love that.

Liu has published three books with a similar feel: East Meets West, Man Meets Woman, and Today Meets Yesterday.


For more on:

Stories  :  -N- Stuff  :  Chimamanda Adichie

Power of Sport : Next Best Play

Sports today have become too much. Instead of teaching character and team work and all the things that would inspire Nelson Mandela to say, "Sport has the power to change the world," it has allowed entitlement, avenues for intense and devistating selfishness, and a skewed perspective of why we wake up in the morning. Sport has create monsters and set demons free

But it can, if we see beyond the rings, the celebrity statues, and free agency turmoil, still change the world; it can create men and women of character, and it can teach us how to live.

If we look for it.

Some background to this play is appropriate, I think, because this isn't a midseason possible throw away game. This is a do-or-die Game 7 playoff game. This is early 90's Bulls vs Knicks. This is Defending Champs vs Wanna Be Champs. For these players, this is life.

But in these 20 seconds, for us, it is so much more than a game - it can define and teach us about Life.

On Preparation:

Once Jordan catches the ball, his thousands of hours in the gym, practicing, kick in and he goes on auto-pilot. He doesn't think about what to do or where to go or how to play, he just plays, and finds success.

But how Jordan responds to his success is crucial.

On Celebrating:

Jordan has just split the defense, against one of the best defensive teams of that year, and made a pretty difficult layup. Job well done, right? Even the announcer is excited.

But Jordan doesn't siimply turn and jog bag, basking in a "that was awesome" mindset. He doesn't take the next few seconds off or "put his feet up," he immediately gets back to work. Watch it again, he IMMEDIATELY turns and runs back, ready for the Next Best Play.

And then he makes it. He makes on over-the-shoulder steal. 

Then he stumbles.

On Failure:

The ball is stolen and quickly headed in the other direction for a clear and easy layup. But Jordan doesn't sulk, complain to the ref that he was fouled, or watch from mid-court, content with "I did my best." He takes off, chasing down McDaniel and the Next Best Play.

And then he makes it. 

On Life: 

Nothing comes easy, or free. We have to put in the time, the effort, and the work. Everyday.

In our friendships, marriages, jobs, and Life. 

When things are going well, pumping our fists or throwing celebrations can get us off track, or left behind, while the other team is scoring on the end. This is when our marriages relationships begin to crumble, because we've stopped working, stopped pursuing the Next Best Play. 

And when we most fail, as we most suredly will, sulking or pointing fingers won't save us. But it will delay us, set us back, and get us ever closer to losing "the game" - whatever that might be.


This truth may be obvious and easy to grasp, but it is difficult to follow, because sometimes, it just doesn't seem true. Sometimes, after hours and hours of work and effort, the victory, whether great or small, doesn't come. Because we don't get the ball. Or worse, because we never leave the bench. Sometimes, it seems, our lot in life might be to work just as hard - or even more so - than the other guy, but never play, just support and encourage and slide further down the bench as others come off the court.

I know I feel this way often. And when I do, it can be really hard to keep practicing, to keep hoping I might one day be called upon, and to support the stars - especially when they're jerks, like Jordan.

But pouting, pointing fingers, or complaining for sure doesn't get me on the court. The Next Best Play does. Or at least, it increases the chances.

So lace up the shoes and head to the gym, ready for the Next Best Play.


For more on . . .

Purpose of Sport  :  -N- Stuff

Walking to Listen : 4,000 Miles Across America, One Story at a Time

Andrew Forsthoefel is an author, speaker, and peace activist living in the Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts. After graduating from college, he spent eleven months trekking across the United States with a sign on his pack that read “Walking to Listen,” recording interviews with the people he met along the way. He co-produced a radio documentary about this project that was featured on Transom.org and This American Life.

His book, Walking to Listen tells the tale of the journey.

"Every one of us has an extraordinary story worth hearing, and I’m walking the country to listen. There’s no such thing as the Average Joe, no such thing as a boring, uninteresting, unexceptional life (for more on this, see this poem by Yevgeny Yevtushenko). This walk is to honor that. Life is fast, and I’ve found it’s easy to confuse the miraculous for the mundane, so I’m slowing down, way down, in order to give my full presence to the extraordinary that infuses each moment and resides in every one of us. We’re a country of great diversities and divisions; sharing stories, I think, is one way to find resonance" (via)

The Moth recently shared one of the many stories from Andrew's journey, one where Andrew "meets a man who tests the limits of his compassion and makes him see his project in a new light". You can listen to it here.


For more on . . .

Stories  :  Humanity  :  Power of Stories