Doubt and Gossip : Faith and Certainty, with Philip Seymour Hoffman

I can't stop thinking about this movie. Doubt, directed by John Patrick Shanley is a simple and chilling (literally) film that, unapologetically, exposes the hearts and minds of us all, warns us against pride and dogmatic practices, and pleads with us to be men and women defined by grace and kindness, not certainty. 

The story of Doubt is guided by a few choice sermons given by Philip Seymour Hoffman's character, Father Brendan Flynn. In or out of context, they are powerful and worth a watch.

His first is of the power and place of doubt within our lives:

Reminds me of the passage in Mark 9:24, "I believe; help my unbelief!" 

At the root of all humanity, doubt unites us all and should drive us toward a heart of compassion, not arrogance and piety. 

We all doubt. That's why faith is called, "faith," not certainty. 

The second sermon is on gossip:

"I know none of you have ever done this."

And may it never be. 


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