“If your under 90, try things.” Plus 99 other tips for Improving Life.


I came across a webpage that offered “100 Tips for Life” with topics ranging from possessions, cooking, productivity, success, self, and many others. The list is great and worth every second.

Here are a few that stuck out to me:

4. “Where is the good knife?” If you’re looking for your good X, you have bad Xs. Throw those out.
Substitute “knife” for anything - underwear, friends, Instagram feeds, whatever - and you have a decent recipe for a happier life.

17. Done is better than perfect.
This one is interesting because it isn’t always true. Nor is it always false. Just ask ISRAEL KAMAKAWIWOʻOL. For me though, the wisdom comes from knowing when it applies and when it’s a cop-out.

20. The 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes of screen work, look at a spot 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This will reduce eye strain and is easy to remember (or program reminders for).
Great advice. Hard to follow. Programmed reminders are a must.

25. History remembers those who got to market first. Getting your creation out into the world is more important than getting it perfect.”
Get it out first because the Truth gets lost in the wave that follows. I guess the hidden reminder, then, is don’t believe the first thing you hear. Just because its first doesn’t mean its true - or best.

30. If you listen to successful people talk about their methods, remember that all the people who used the same methods and failed did not make videos about it.”
This one is encouraging on two fronts. One, it is a solid reminder that just because someone found success following “these easy steps” doesn’t mean you’re a loser when it doesn’t work. And two, it is encouraging because it also means we can find success doing things differently and in our own unique way - by borrowing and stealing from those who have gone before us.

34. How you spend every day is how you spend your life.”
Get busy living or get busy dying.

36. Explaining problems is good. Often in the process of laying out a problem, a solution will present itself.”

45. If you’re under 90, try things.”
Get busy living or get busy dying.

46. Things that aren’t your fault can still be your responsibility.”
If there is ever a truth that will fix so many problems - relationally, economically, financially, WHATEVER - this is it.

48. Keep your identity small. “I’m not the kind of person who does things like that” is not an explanation, it’s a trap. It prevents nerds from working out and men from dancing.
It prevents us from living and opens the door to a shit ton of regret.

49. Don’t confuse ‘doing a thing because I like it’ with ‘doing a thing because I want to be seen as the sort of person who does such things’
Said a different way, be you! Don’t waste your life living to accomplish someone else’s dreams or expectations. Do you! Otherwise, open the door to a shit tone of regret.

50. Remember that you are dying.
So get busy living.

62. “If they’ll do it with you, they’ll do it to you.”
This one stung. I need to be better, and more aware.

78. If you have trouble talking during dates, try saying whatever comes into your head. At worst you’ll ruin some dates (which weren’t going well anyways), at best you’ll have some great conversations. Alcohol can help.”
This doesn’t just apply to dates but people groups in general. Especially coworkers.

83. Compliment people more. Many people have trouble thinking of themselves as smart, or pretty, or kind, unless told by someone else. You can help them out.” - I find I am often insecure and in need of an “ataboy!”
I find this especially true when I am feeling down or frustrated. That when I focus on someone else, when I compliment them or encourage them, oftentimes I can pull myself out of the muck and mire of self destruction by putting a smile on another's face. And that is pretty cool.

86. Cultivate patience for difficult people. Communication is extremely complicated and involves getting both tone and complex ideas across. Many people can barely do either. Don’t punish them.
Such a simple yet perfect reminder.

90. In general, you will look for excuses to not be kind to people. Resist these.

91. Human mood and well-being are heavily influenced by simple things: Exercise, good sleep, light, being in nature. It’s cheap to experiment with these.
Not possessions or things that cost money. Just normal, natural things. (Connects well with #49).

100. Bad things happen dramatically (a pandemic). Good things happen gradually (malaria deaths dropping annually) and don’t feel like ‘news’. Endeavour to keep track of the good things to avoid an inaccurate and dismal view of the world.
But first we need to get through the dramatic.

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