Fiverr Jesus : The Hijacking of Jesus for Personal Gain

“You can pay people, strangers to do stuff on the internet for you.” That’s how Fiverr Jesus got his fame and current income, by getting people to hire him to impersonate the Son of God and say whatever it is they want him to say. And what strikes me as deeply ironic is, in many ways, that is exactly why he left the church. Because people were using the names and words of Jesus and abusing them for personal gain or irrational purposes.

Something people have been doing for as long as there was a god to manipulate for their own personal interests.

And he is still doing it. Fiverr Jesus convinces himself that what he is doing is right and good because, basically, that’s what Jesus did while he was on earth; he went around pissing people off. Which, yet again, he is using the name of Jesus to do what he wants rather than guiding what he should be doing.

It is true, it does seem as though Jesus spent a great deal of his time pissing people off, but for the sake of doing so, and not because he found any joy or hilarity (and certainly not income) from it, but because it was the right thing to do. He was tearing down the hypocritical system, and he was doing it for the benefit of everyone else, not merely himself.

Something Fiverr Jesus knows very little about.