
Calvin and Hobbes head out on an adventure

The first of anything is difficult. Even, sometimes, if you’ve been doing it for a while. For me, the first post of the new year is completely nerve wracking. There’s something about the first post that seems to set the tone, and it always makes me incredibly nervous. Sometimes I just dive in, like I’m jumping into a cold pool and I just need to get it over with. Other times I take my time, waiting for the perfect idea to come along.

This year, it took just over two weeks. But the wait was worth it.

On December 31, 1995, Bill Watterson published the final 'Calvin & Hobbes' comic strip. Little did he probably know how his little cartoon would inspire, encourage, and entertain the world.

Or inspire the beginning of a new year.


It’s a magical world, and I’m ready for another year of exploring all that it has to offer, are you?

Jimmy Chin Photography

photo by Jimmy Chin

photo by Jimmy Chin

After listening to David Goggins curse and cus and create a reality much different from what I’m used to, I’ve been thinking a lot about adventure and pain and pushing myself to the limit. I’ve been inspired.

These images by Jimmy Chin are cut from the same cloth. Because so is Jimmy.

Photo by Jimmy Chin

Photo by Jimmy Chin

”Jimmy Chin is a photographer, filmmaker, and mountain sports athlete known for his ability to capture extraordinary imagery while climbing and skiing in extremely high-risk environments” (via).

Photo by Jimmy Chin

Photo by Jimmy Chin

“As a filmmaker, his years of experience in the adventure and extreme sports world enables him to bring an authentic and unique perspective to his storytelling. His 2015 film Meru won the coveted Audience Award at the Sundance Film Festival and was on the 2016 Oscar shortlist for Best Documentary” (via).

Photo by Jimmy Chin

Photo by Jimmy Chin

You can see more of Jimmy Chin’s work on his website (where he allows you to download his images for free . . . because he’s a badass), or on instagram.

For more on . . .

-N- Stuff  :  Photography  : Jimmy Chin