The Game is only a fun if you win. And there are a lot of losers.

Every now and then, a certain theme will creep into life in various ways. This past week, justice and the role humanity plays, has been one such theme.

It started out with the podcast, "A forgotten History of How the U.S. Government Segregated America," which left me fully frustrated and at a loss on what to do. On what role I can play. 

This one, "Null and Void," cheered me up a bit.

Should a juror be able to ignore the law? From a Quaker prayer meeting in the streets of London, to riots in the streets of LA, we trace the history of a quiet act of rebellion and struggle with how much power “we the people” should really have.

Not only does it offer some hope that the power still resides in the people - the conscious of America - it is an honest portrayal of the complexity of mankind. And I love that. 

The discussion near the end is one of the best things I've ever heard on a Podcast - an sincere discussion, with strong disagreements, yet fully civil and appropriate. 

Later in the week, I was shown this video from a young brilliant mind, Davis Campbell. His thoughts on the matter are worth reading.

The video is worth watching.

Like the " . . . U.S. Segregated America," podcast above, this video left me fully frustrated and at a loss on how to change the rules of the game.

This TED Talk helped a bit.

I don't have any answers to these seemingly impossible problems, except this. And it comes from the philosophy of J.R.R. Tolkien: All I have to decide is what to do with the time that is given me and to do what is good for all, not just myself.


For more on . . .

-N- Stuff  :  Humanity  :  History