Mister Rogers and the Power of Persuasion

There isn't much to add to this because it's pretty spot-on. My only even minor critique would be that if our only goal is to win someone to our side, than all the gimmicks we employ to trick someone into thinking we are on their side, that we are listening, and that we care what they are saying, that we are just as selfish someone who is simply trying to win an argument. We're just not as brash about it.

However, I don't think that is the point of this video, especially when Fred Rogers is used as the example, but I still think it needs to be said - for me at least. 

A true and meaningful discussion points towards a higher and greater truth; it means both are willing to refine and tweak their own thinking, for the sake of a greater cause. 

But I think the point in all of the above is this: in order to be heard, we have to be relational - fully and completely. Dogmatism beats the elephant; sincere persuasion gives it goosebumps. 


For more on . . .

-N- Stuff  :  Diversity Makes Us Smarter  :  Elements of a good Discussion  :  Mr. Rogers' Sweaters