Father/Daugher Beatbox Battle
This is friggin awesome.
I especially love how when the father is beatboxing, his daughter is sitting there, flipping her hair, looking all casual and cool. Almost as if she's rolling her eyes and saying, "Come on dad."
Then, when she takes off, her dad laughs, claps, and cannot contain his joy, like he's about to jump up and yell, "That's my girl!"
I love it.
A few years ago, I was speaking with one of my female students about some of the trips I had planned for Judah and I. I had just read the book, Raising A Modern-Day Knight and couldn't wait to start his training. She thought my ideas were great, but she also challenged me, "Don't forget about your daughters. Take them on trips too."
And she was right.
I don't know who started this battle, but I love that they do it together. And that she's better. And that he loves that she's better.
And I love the end, when they battle together, as father and daughter.
This guy is inspiring.
You can watch Battle Part 2 here.
For more on . . .
-N- Stuff : Lessons on Fatherhood : On Raising Girls : The best beatboxer ever