A Heineken commercial that inspires more than a drink

My friend, Amanda Bedford, posted this the other day, and ever since, I can't stop thinking about it.

I think what I love most about this is the brutal honesty of showing the videos. It's one thing to work together, in a simulation, and to discover, over time, someone's differences and, perhaps, modified views. But when the video is shown, of their unadulterated and perhaps even puffed up ultra views, there is nothing to hide behind. They are bare, and they are open. 

And still, they are chosen. I love that.

What this video also points to is this: one person cannot change the situation. When the bald guy walks off and the transgender mother sits down, for a moment, we see just how awful it can be. But then, just as quickly, how a stiff "solemn" man can also be instantly funny, and turn an awkward situation into a communal one. 

God I love this. Because, if only.


Related links . . .

Solution: #EatTogether  :  Diversity makes us Smarter  :  Let's just talk - Maya Angelou  :  Walking to Listen


For more on . . .

-N- Stuff  :  Humanity  :  On Living  :  Commercials