Brian T. Miller #DoGreatThings

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The Payoff of Years

“I have to sometimes stop myself when I’m building things and remind myself that I really enjoy it. I enjoy the process of building and it’s not always a sprint to the finish.”

This video is the antithesis of the Instagram culture and a true source of inspiration. Not only does Beau remind us to enjoy the journey, he models the payoff of patience, of believing that all this “junk” or stored things (be it memories or blog posts) have the potential to make something truly beautiful in the end.

I often can’t wait to get to the finish. I want my careers or dreams to be here and now and complete. Yet, it is the process of building, of collecting, and making that will (hopefully) create something beautiful in the end. Largely because it will be something different than what I envision now. Because, like it happened once his wife entered the picture, people will have a say, they will change the plans I have and the way I envision the future, and inevitably make it better.

Man. That is truly encouraging.

For more on
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-N- Stuff  :  Humanity  :  On Living : Beau Miles