Ryan McHenry

Ryan Gosling's cereal could make you cry

In 2013, Ryan McHenry created the video series entitled Ryan Gosling Won't Eat His Cereal. It was met with much acclaim, catching the attention of Entertainment Online, Huffington Post, even Gosling himself who acknowledged McHenry in a tweet, writing, “I actually love cereal” (via) even though his movie appearances prove otherwise.

Then, in “late 2013, McHenry started experiencing a painful lump in his leg.” He was diagnosed with osteosarcoma and discovered that it had spread to his lungs. “He announced the news on his Twitter page”, writing,

"I got told yesterday that I have cancer. I would just like to let you all know I'm staying positive and I'm going to fight it. Fuck Cancer." (via)


Sadly, it didn’t work.

“After initial signs that McHenry had beaten cancer . . . {it} returned,” and on May 2, 2015 McHenry’s body succumbed to the deadly disease (via).

But not before one last comedic stand.

Two days before his death McHenry tweeted:

“Yesterday was my 10,000th day alive on this Earth and not one of you got me a card or anything..."

On May 5, Ryan Gosling posted this:

For more on . . .

-N- Stuff  :  Humanity  : Ryan Gosling