
Two TEDTalks by Adam Grant Redefine Success and What it Means to be Original

There’s a lot here worth mentioning, but perhaps the greatest advice is, “Being original doesn’t mean being first. It means being different and better.”

Coupled with his next TEDTalk, “Are you a Giver or a Taker?”, the concept of being different and better takes on a whole new weight of responsibility. Being “better” doesn’t mean beating out the competition or winning, it can (and perhaps should) mean being more helpful.

Some of my favorite quotes:

“Not all takers are narcissists. Some are just givers who got burnt one too many times.”

  1. Protect the Givers from Burnout

    1. Five Minute Favor:Find small ways to add large value to other people’s lives

    2. Lincioni

  2. Encourage Help-seeking

    1. Givers must recognize that it’s okay to be a receive too

  3. Get the Right People on the Bus

    1. One taker can ruin the givers

    2. One giver gets bombarded by the takers

“Agreeableness and disagreeableness is your outer vernier. How pleasant is it to interact with you? Whereas giving and taking are more of your inner motives. What are your values, your intentions for others?

“Disagreeable givers are the most undervalued people in our organizations because they are the ones that give us critical feedback that no one wants to hear but everyone needs to hear.”

"Success is not about winning a competition, its all about contribution . . . “the best way to succeed is to help other people succeed.”

Pronoia: the belief that other people are plotting your well being.

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-N- Stuff  :  Humanity  : Adam Grant : TEDTalks

Instatravel and the search for Identity with Community

It's easy to watch this video and mock or scoff at all the wanna-be's. "Be original!" we might say, because nobody likes a poser and everyone wants to be uniquely different. Just not too different because we also don't want to be alone, misunderstood, or an outcast. We want community and relationships and to be included.

And that is exactly what is happening in the Instraval video. People are finding connection and community by embracing and participating in a movement, an idea, or a trend because it makes them feel part of something bigger than themselves, in their own unique way. Just like everybody else.

Even when we branch out, when find something that seems to be completely our own, we're not. Others are cheering, encouraging, and even dancing with us, which makes the experience all the more perfect. Because we're not alone.

"Being original," Adam Grant writes, "doesn't mean being first. It just means being different and better" (via). It means learning and absorbing from those around us while using our individuality and identity to progress an idea or truth beyond its current state. 

It also means whenever we find success, when the spotlight happens to shine down upon us, we acknowledge the community that so faithfully surrounded, protected, and provided for us.

Even if it was a simple paving of the roads. 

Be original. More importantly though, be thankful.


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-N- Stuff  :  Inspiration  :  On Creativity