Two simply ideas on how to be extremely efficient

I have recently been extremely busy. With COVI-19 impacting my school, working towards a doctorate, trying to by our first home, and writing for, there has been limited time for almost anything else.

Then, I came across these two videos, both of which have inspired the hell out of me.

The first, A Mile and Hour is something I have modified slightly and incorporated into my monthly life (one Saturday a month). It’s brilliant.

The second is equally brilliant, but for a slightly different purpose: financial constraints. As a single income household, and educator, and way more ideas and plans than I can afford, creating purposeful and useful spaces out of junk has already impacted my life. From office space, garage storage, to our newly installed MakerSpace (at my school), I have installed this philosophy and absolutely friggen love it!

In varying degrees, we all have constraints. Most often it is time and finances.

Not any longer.

For more on . . .

-N- Stuff  :  On Living : Inspiration. : Beau Miles