Everything sad is untrue

Everything Sad is Untrue, by Daniel Nayeri

“We can know and be known to each other, and then we’re not enemies anymore” (pg 1).

“Kill everyone at a party, and you are the life of the party, but that doesn’t make you good company” (pg 24).

“Every story is the sound of a storyteller begging to stay alive” (pg. 59).

“Ellie had a lot of sadness in her life. Sadness of the kind that makes perfectly normal people into poets” (pg 121).

“Does writing poetry make you brave? It is a good question to ask. I think making anything is a brave thing to do. Not like fighting brave, obviously. But a kind that looks at a horrible situation and doesn’t crumble.
Making anything assumes there’s a world worth making it for. That you’ll have someplace, like a clown’s pants, to hide it when people come to take it away.
I guess I’m saying making something is a hopeful thing to do” (pg 122).

“Karen was kind in a way that people can be, when kindness doesn’t cost them anything” (pg 306).

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