The Adventures of Pinocchio, by C. Collodi

When your boy is struggling to trust in authority, that they see a much bigger picture, this is a great read. 

Here is one of my favorite scenes:

"Pinocchio threw himself at the feet of Fire Eater. Weeping bitterly, he begged in a sad, quiet voice, "Have pity, kind sir!"

"Well, what do you want now puppet?"

"I beg for mercy for my poor friend Harlequin. He has never done any harm in his life."

"There is no mercy here, Pinocchio. I have let you go. Harlequin must burn in your place."

"In that case," announced Pinocchio, "I see what I must do. Come, officers! Threw me on the flames. It is not fair for Harlequin to do in my place!" (pg 40)


Not only is Pinocchio beginning to see the consequences of his actions, he is beginning to learn what love is. This is still early in the book, but that's another lesson easily and appropriately grabbed from this book - just because you "get" something, doesn't mean you are forever perfect after. This, along with the skill and ability to trust in a bigger picture, is crucial for young kiddos.