
Friday Thought : Doing and Waiting and the Road Between

In early January, when we were in Houston for those few weeks, I had an experience related to the picture above. I was at a T-intersection and had two options: to turn left or right. I needed to turn left, but the line was taking FOREVER! So, I decided to slide into the right-turn-only lane, just so I could keep moving. I ended up driving a few blocks in the wrong direction before turning around and heading in the direction I needed to go. 

Deviating from the GPS added time to my drive, but for some reason, I didn't mind it. It felt better to be DOING something rather than WAITING for something, even when the doing wasn't helpful. 

As educators, there are times when we feel stuck—whether it’s waiting for students to grasp a difficult concept, for test scores to improve, or for a breakthrough with a challenging student. In moments like these, just like at that intersection, we can get impatient and try to “force” progress by taking alternative routes or installing new practices, even when they aren't the most efficient.

I know I do.

Sometimes, though, instead of feeling the comfort of DOING, we simply need to trust the process and allow learning and growth. Sometimes it is the WAITING that allows change to happen. Even when it comes outside our ideal timeline. 

Even though I hate that, I appreciate it as well. Largely because it can probably be applied to relationships, parenting, and dreams. Moving for the sake of moving doesn't ensure their progress. Diligently and purposefully waiting, however, sometimes can. It's a balance of both. And I need to remember that.

Anyway, that's what I've been struggling through this week.