Talking to Strangers, by Malcolm Gladwell
One of the most influential yet least underlined books on my shelf.
I love quotes and little nuggets of thought I can steal from books. This one provides none. It does, however, provide a thesis statement that has an immediate and everlasting affect on how I view others.
Essentially, Gladwell argues (and proves) that we cannot trust our “gut” when it comes to reading people. Where terrible at it - even the best of us! The ones who are good at it are extremely skeptical and terrible people to be around.
The reason we’re terrible? Because we have an unhealthy default of trust in people. Which isn’t bad! It does cause us to misjudge people, however, which is why Gladwell argues that we need to continually be curious of people, we need to ask a shit load of questions.
Which is something I can completely get behind.