“Research shows that whatever the default choices are, many people stick with them, even when the stakes are much higher than choosing the noise your phone makes when it rigns” (pg 8)
What is the default of our school?
When considering perspectives:
When considering the influence of Social Media:
pg 54
pg 57
“People are paying less attention to you than you believe. If you have a stain on your shirt, don’t worry, they probably won’t notice. But in part because people do think that everyone has their eyes fixed on them, they conform to what they think people expect” (pg 62).
“Many people will take whatever option requires the least effort, or the path of least resistance” (pg 85).
“If I do nothing, nothing changes” (pg 85).
“The best way to help Humans improve their performance is to provide feedback. Well-designed systems tell people whey they re doing well and when they are making mistakes” (pg 92).
Grade: A (for the first hundred pages. After that . . . meh.)
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