My Name is Asher Lev, by Chaim Potok
“He left a taste of thunder in my mouth” (pg 4).
“I’m not made for this. I need people. I hate sitting with telephones” (pg 24).
“To survive, you learn to learn quickly” (pg 38).
“A Jew should not only talk, he should also do” (pg 81).
“Live and be well” (pg 83).
“To touch a person’s heart, you must see a person’s face” (pg 117).
“We must fight against it. Otherwise it will destroy the world” (pg 177).
“Every great artist is a man who has freed himself from his family, his nation, his race. Every man who has shown the world the way to beauty, to true culture, has been a rebel, a ‘universal’ without patriotism, without home, who has found his people everywhere” (pg 203).
“Only those who have mastered a tradition has a right to attempt to add to it or to rebel against it” (pg 213).
“You have a gift, Asher Lev. You have a responsibility” (pg 217).
“You will enter in truth or you will enter not at all” (pg 287).
“You have cross a boundary. I cannot help you. You are alone now. I give you my blessings” (pg 367).
Grade: A+
One of my all-time favorites. I rarely read a book more than once, but this one is an exception.
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