Brian T. Miller #DoGreatThings

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Water for Elephants, by Sara Gruen

I finished it, so there’s at least that going for it.

But truly, I just found the book shallow and uninspiring. For at least two reasons worth spending time one.

  1. Love. Whether its the love for the elephant or for between the two major characters (can’t even remember their names), I found myself asking, “Why? Why are you in love?” There was no depth, no reason, and no purpose. It felt very shallow and almost uncomfortable.

  2. The old man. Again, I don’t remember the main characters name and I don’t care to remind myself because he too ruined the joy of the story. He’s a cranky asshole whom no one - even his own kids - want to be around. Why should I care about him or his life?

It just all seemed more than a bit shallow and a whole lot of a waste of time.

But, like I said, I finished it. So there must be something right about it.

Maybe the movie was better, but I doubt it.

Grade: D-

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