Brian T. Miller #DoGreatThings

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The Prodigal God, by Timothy Keller

It’s been a long time since I read anything religious in nature, but I recently had a craving for this book, one I’d read many many years ago. And I’m glad I did.

I’ve been struggling, recently, with how to lead and love and live in families with people who are difficult, and this book was a great reminder to me and a anchor to reality.

Below are a few of my favorite quotes:

“God’s reckless grace is our greatest hope” (pg. xx).

“Jesus’s purpose is not to warm our hearts but to shatter our categories” (pg. 13).

“There is no evil that the father’s love cannot pardon and cover, there is no sin that is a match for his grace” (pg. 28).

“The elder brother is not losing the father’s love in spite of his goodness, but because of it” (pg 40).

“The first sign you have an elder-brother spirit is that when your life doesn’t go as you want, you aren’t just sorrowful but deeply angry and bitter” (pg 57).

“It is impossible to forgive someone if you feel superior to him or her” (pg. 63).

“forgiveness always comes at a cost to the one granting the forgiveness” (pg 94).

Grade: B+

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